Tucker Sweeney has been a follower of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for the past 14 years since the age of 23. Along with his mother Carol Thompson, they wrote the book Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: A Journey Through Life, Ulcerative Colitis, and the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. Tucker has managed to overcome his diagnosis and thrive while following the SCD. He remains very active skiing, rock climbing, and mountain biking to name a few. Tucker shares the ups and downs of living with a chronic disease along with the hardships and blessings that following the SCD comes with. Through the many years of managing his disease with the SCD, he has a wealth of information and tips for maintaining an active outdoor lifestyle while still following the diet. He hopes to share his inspiration and hope that a fulfilling a disease free life is truly possible. Tucker has a bachelor's of science in Kinesiology and Health, two daughters, and lives in north Idaho.