From July through September 2020, the Specific Carbohydrate Diet Association collected 846 anonymous responses via Facebook and Instagram about “SCDers”, or people who have incorporated the diet into their lives, and we estimate the population size of people who follow SCD to be 1,000,000. The estimated margin of error in our sampling is +/-3%. Throughout this report, the term “SCDers” is used to describe the sample.
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) Survey gives people who follow the SCD an opportunity to compare life experiences by compiling individual responses to represent an entire SCD Community. The Survey gives the SCD Community insight on how others have incorporated SCD in their lives, their successes and challenges and the effectiveness of the SCD as a treatment tool for the treatment of diseases that originate or directly impact the gastrointestinal tract. As we undertake future surveys, we will refine the variables inherent in surveys to provide more details and transparency.
We hope you will gain valuable information from the survey results. We listed a sampling of results and you may download or review the complete results in pdf format.